Exploring the Self
A study of the relationships between you and the outside world through discussion of yamas (yogic ethics) and Yoga Nidra (Yogic sleep/meditation).
Chakra drumming consists using a hand drum similar to those used by traditional shaman to bring about a deep state of relaxation where one enters into a hypnogogic state. In this state, the brainwaves slow down and the subconscious mind enters into a more receptive transformative state of beings. it is within this trance state that we work on first releasing the built up energy that no longer serves your highest good using affirmations and deep intentions. Once we have cleared away the energy you are ready to release, we begin work on recharging the chakra system with new positive "I am" statements to teach the mind a new way of thinking and being.
This Technique works by speaking directly to the subconscious mind while in a trance like state. There is one myth that I would like to address now. Many I have spoken to about this process have asked if this is just a form of brainwashing. I say, "absolutely not!"
My sentiments come from the belief that within each of us is a being of serenity that has what is needed to achieve our goals and perform at our highest, best selves and abilities. When we state these affirmations in a relaxed, calm state we are not lying to ourselves or trying to trick ourselves. We are reaffirming the deeper truth that we have simply forgotten about due to the multiple negative thoughts, images, and misconceptions that we have accumulated over a life time.
Drumming has been shown time and time again help take us to the subconscious mind. Affirmations have been shown time and time again to change the thoughts of the mind, so, it leads to reason then, that combining the two creates even more powerful results.
Why chakra drumming? Why not just affirmation drumming?
The chakra system is an energetic system of the body that is responsible for much of what we experience in this life. The chakra system is like a river system with multiple checkpoints, like dams, that regulate the flow of energy known as qi, ki, prana, or other names. when the dams or chakras are correctly balanced, the system runs smoothly. But if the chakras are too open or too closed off, there is either an abundance of energy flowing to the next chakra or not enough can get through. This creates all sorts of issues in the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the body.
Although there are several chakras spread throughout the body, below I will explain the 7 most influential.
Where is it located?
What does it regulate?
How do I know its out of balance?
Where is it located?
What does it regulate?
How do I know its out of balance?
Where is it located?
What does it regulate?
How do I know its out of balance?
Where is it located?
What does it regulate?
How do I know its out of balance?
Where is it located?
What does it regulate?
How do I know its out of balance?
Where is it located?
What does it regulate?
How do I know its out of balance?
Where is it located?
What does it regulate?
How do I know its out of balance?